Source code for paved.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""paved.util -- helper functions.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import re
from paver.easy import info, options, path, dry, sh, Bunch

from . import paved

__all__ = ['bash', 'pip_install', 'easy_install', 'rmFilePatterns', 'rmDirPatterns', 'shv', 'update', ]

def _setVirtualEnv():
    """Attempt to set the virtualenv activate command, if it hasn't been specified.
        activate = options.virtualenv.activate_cmd
    except AttributeError:
        activate = None

    if activate is None:
        virtualenv = path(os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV', ''))
        if not virtualenv:
            virtualenv = options.paved.cwd
            virtualenv = path(virtualenv)

        activate = virtualenv / 'bin' / 'activate'

        if activate.exists():
            info('Using default virtualenv at %s' % activate)
            options.setdotted('virtualenv.activate_cmd', 'source %s' % activate)

def _walkWithAction(*patterns, **kwargs):
    use_path = path(kwargs.get('use_path', options.paved.cwd))
    action = kwargs.pop('action')
    assert type(action) is str
    assert hasattr(use_path, action)

    use_regex = kwargs.get('use_regex')
    errors = kwargs.get('errors', 'warn')
    walk_method = kwargs.get('walk_method', 'walkfiles')

    for p in patterns:
        info("Looking for %s" % p)
        if use_regex:
            cp = re.compile(p)
            p = None
        for f in getattr(use_path, walk_method)(pattern=p, errors=errors):
            if use_regex and not
            if f.exists():
                msg = "%s %s..." % (action, f)
                dry(msg, getattr(f, action))

[docs]def rmFilePatterns(*patterns, **kwargs): """Remove all files under the given path with the given patterns. """ kwargs['action'] = 'remove' kwargs['walk_method'] = 'walkfiles' return _walkWithAction(*patterns, **kwargs)
[docs]def rmDirPatterns(*patterns, **kwargs): """Remove all directories under the current path with the given patterns. """ kwargs['action'] = 'rmtree' kwargs['walk_method'] = 'walkdirs' return _walkWithAction(*patterns, **kwargs)
def bash(cmd, capture=False, ignore_error=False, cwd=None, nice=False, stderr=False): cmd = '/bin/bash -c "%s"' % cmd if nice: cmd = 'nice %s' % cmd if stderr: cmd = '%s 2>&1' % cmd return sh(cmd, capture=capture, ignore_error=ignore_error, cwd=cwd)
[docs]def shv(command, capture=False, ignore_error=False, cwd=None): """Run the given command inside the virtual environment, if available: """ _setVirtualEnv() try: command = "%s; %s" % (options.virtualenv.activate_cmd, command) except AttributeError: pass return bash(command, capture=capture, ignore_error=ignore_error, cwd=cwd)
[docs]def update(dst, src): """Recursively update the destination dict-like object with the source dict-like object. Useful for merging options and Bunches together! Based on: """ stack = [(dst, src)] def isdict(o): return hasattr(o, 'keys') while stack: current_dst, current_src = stack.pop() for key in current_src: if key not in current_dst: current_dst[key] = current_src[key] else: if isdict(current_src[key]) and isdict(current_dst[key]): stack.append((current_dst[key], current_src[key])) else: current_dst[key] = current_src[key] return dst
update( options.paved, dict( pip = Bunch( download_cache = '', ), ) )
[docs]def pip_install(*args): """Send the given arguments to `pip install`. """ download_cache = ('--download-cache=%s ' % options.paved.pip.download_cache) if options.paved.pip.download_cache else '' shv('pip install %s%s' % (download_cache, ' '.join(args)))
[docs]def easy_install(*args): """Send the given arguments to `easy_install`. """ shv('easy_install %s' % (' '.join(args)))