
Paved comes with several task bundles configured to work out of the box for the most common use-cases. You use them by importing their members into your pavement.py’s module namespace.

As a quick example, let’s start a new Django project. We create our pavement.py:

"""pavement.py -- paver tasks for our new Django project!
from paver.easy import *

__path__ = path(__file__).abspath().dirname()

Now we add these two lines:

from paved.django import manage

options.paved.django.manage_py = __path__ / 'myproject' / 'manage.py'

Suddenly, we can start doing things like:

$ paver manage syncdb

This will run our django project’s manage.py file with syncdb as the first argument. All of Django’s manage commands are available to us now.

Once we’re ready for our first release, having made sure that our setup() metadata is all there, we add this to the imports:

from paved.dist import *

Now sdist is hooked up as described in Paver’s documentation:

$ paver sdist

This produces a bootstrap.py, setup.py, paver-minilib.zip, as well as a (configurable) MANIFEST.in that does the right stuff by default. Finally, you’ll find your source distribution file in the dist/ folder, as you might expect.

Read the API documentation to find out more about the tasks and utilities available.