Source code for paved.django

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""paved.django -- common tasks for django projects.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os

from paver.easy import options, task, consume_args, path, Bunch, error
from paver.easy import BuildFailure

from . import paved
from . import util

        django = Bunch(
            manage_py = None,
            project = None,
            settings = '',
            runserver = 'runserver_plus',
            runserver_port = '',
            syncdb = Bunch(
                fixtures = [],
            test = Bunch(
                settings = None,

__all__ = ['manage', 'call_manage', 'djtest', 'syncdb', 'shell', 'start']

def manage(args):
    """Run the provided commands against Django's

    `options.paved.django.settings`: the dotted path to the django
        project module containing settings.

    `options.paved.django.manage_py`: the path where the django
        project's `` resides.

    # Don't make a call without args, will result in an error.
    args = ' '.join(args) if args else "help"

[docs]def call_manage(cmd, capture=False, ignore_error=False): """Utility function to run commands against Django's ``/``. `options.paved.django.project`: the path to the django project files (where `` typically resides). Will fall back to a DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable. `options.paved.django.manage_py`: the path where the django project's `` resides. """ settings = (options.paved.django.settings or os.environ.get('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE')) if settings is None: raise BuildFailure("No settings path defined. Use: options.paved.django.settings = ''") manage_py = options.paved.django.manage_py if manage_py is None: manage_py = '' else: manage_py = path(manage_py) manage_py = 'cd {manage_py.parent}; python ./{}'.format(**locals()) return util.shv('{manage_py} {cmd} --settings={settings}'.format(**locals()), capture=capture, ignore_error=ignore_error)
@task @consume_args def djtest(args): """Run tests. Shorthand for `paver manage test`. """ if options.paved.django.test.settings is not None: options.paved.django.settings = options.paved.django.test.settings cmd = args and 'test %s' % ' '.join(options.args) or 'test' call_manage(cmd) @task @consume_args def syncdb(args): """Update the database with model schema. Shorthand for `paver manage syncdb`. """ cmd = args and 'syncdb %s' % ' '.join(options.args) or 'syncdb --noinput' call_manage(cmd) for fixture in options.paved.django.syncdb.fixtures: call_manage("loaddata %s" % fixture) @task def shell(info): """Run the ipython shell. Shorthand for `paver manage shell`. Uses `django_extensions <>`, if available, to provide `shell_plus`. """ cmd = 'shell' try: import django_extensions cmd = 'shell_plus' except ImportError: info("Could not import django_extensions. Using default shell.") call_manage(cmd) @task def start(info): """Run the dev server. Uses `django_extensions <>`, if available, to provide `runserver_plus`. Set the command to use with `options.paved.django.runserver` Set the port to use with `options.paved.django.runserver_port` """ cmd = options.paved.django.runserver if cmd == 'runserver_plus': try: import django_extensions except ImportError: info("Could not import django_extensions. Using default runserver.") cmd = 'runserver' port = options.paved.django.runserver_port if port: cmd = '%s %s' % (cmd, port) call_manage(cmd) @task @consume_args def schema(args): """Run South's schemamigration command. """ try: import south cmd = args and 'schemamigration %s' % ' '.join(options.args) or 'schemamigration' call_manage(cmd) except ImportError: error('Could not import south.') @task @consume_args def migrate(args): """Run South's migrate command. """ try: import south cmd = args and 'migrate %s' % ' '.join(options.args) or 'migrate' call_manage(cmd) except ImportError: error('Could not import south.')